I have seemed to misplace my notes that I have been keeping so, my memory being what it is, the recollection of the last few days are not very detailed.
San FranciscoI had chosen a great
matchup to see my first game at AT&T Park- the Giants hosting the Red
Sox. However, because of the draw of the game ,ticket prices more than tripled. A normal bleacher ticket that goes for $17 was now available for a minimum of $58 at the window. Plus

parking cost an astronomical $30. But I did bring some beers with me in hopes of at least covering parking, but that did not pan out and I only sold 1. Next task at hand was finding a ticket at a reasonable price. So, as game time approached, I went wandering for scalpers. Since the game had not sold out yet, but did go on to, I knew they would have tickets that they needed to get rid of. However, they would not budge on their prices and I knew I would have to wait until the game started to truly gain the
upperhand. In the bottom of the first I found a guy who had a club level seat face value of $72 trying to get $40. I offered $20 and after a little ball busting I got the ticket for $27.
Once inside I went up to the club level which was like a hotel in the concourse area. It had plush couches, carving stations, super clean restrooms among other ritzy perks. My seat, however, was not the greatest for the club section almost all the way down the right field line. They were in the shade but, I would not pay face value for them. Hearing that I must try the garlic fries, the original stadium to serve this treat, I had to get an order and was not disappointed. I was very happy to have a pack of gum on me though.

The views from the stadium are phenomenal. Over the left field fence was a Navy tanker docked at the port and the left field bleachers hosted the iconic giant glove and Coca Cola bottle. Inside the stadium corridors are a host of areas with team memorabilia. They have autographed balls from most of the players throughout their history. Also, gear from historic events such as Barry Bonds' bat from his historic slugging year in 2001.

game was little less intriguing. The Giants pitcher, Madison
Bumgarner, gave up two
HRs early and fell behind 4-0 through 2 innings. In the bottom half of the 2
nd Red
Sox starter, Clay
Buchholtz, had to leave the game due to a knee injury.
Bumgarner, making his first start in 2010 and only second of his career, settled down and the Giants did get a couple of runs on the board (thanks to baseball's most exciting plays-a fielders choice and a sacrifice fly) but the early damage was too much and the
Red Sox hung on 4-2.
Los AngelesI got into LA at 1:30pm with plenty of time to get to Dodgers Stadium for
ESPN's Sunday Night Baseball
matchup with the Yankees. Knowing LA traffic can be brutal and the luck I have had with traffic so far, I decided to head to vicinity of the ballpark and then find some food. I did not know that Dodgers Stadium was in a mostly residential area but after I while I found some food. I decided to get Little Caesars where for $6.50 I got a large pepperoni pizza and 8
breadstix. There was a city park down about a third of a mile from the stadium and I parked there and ate my lunch. By the time I finished my delicious lunch it was an hour before game time so I decided to keep my car at this park, grabbed my sign and walked to Dodgers Stadium.
The stadium is located at the top of a hill surrounded by mountains, which made it non-visible from the base of the hill. Never being there before I had no clue how far I was or where it

was. But you come over a hill and there it is and built into the side of one of the surrounding mountains is large block letters that state "Think Blue". As I walked through the parking lot I thought about how happy I was to park for free away from the stadium. Seeing that everyone in LA drives there were entirely cars in the

lot. Plus, they do not allow tailgating or alcohol on the premises and it is strictly enforced. I wound up buying a ticket off a guy from Hawaii, Will, in a Grateful Dead tee that had an extra because his buddy bailed on him, which was convenient for me since the game was a sellout. Apparently one other thing they do not allow in the stadium is signs and they would not let me bring mine in. Thankfully, they have a locker you can check things into and get as you exit the stadium so I did not have to walk back to the car.
Its a good thing that the Dodgers have been good for a while now, because there isn't much to do inside the stadium besides get drunk and/or watch a game. I chose the latter and it w

as an excellent game (except the final result) to watch. The Dodgers would lead 5-0 though the first five innings until A-Rod hit a 2 run HR off Clayton
Kershaw. The Dodgers would hold a 6-2 lead into the ninth when the brought their closer, Jonathan
Broxton in. And dude got rocked. He gave up four runs and for the second time in a week I got to see an extra innings game. In the next inning Robinson
Cano hit a 410' shot to give the
Evil Empire a 8-6 lead and eventually the win by the same score. After the game it was off to my buddy Lon's place in
Topanga Canyon, which was my home base for my time in Southern Cali.
A couple of interesting notes during the game. In true LA style there were four "first pitches" before the game and between one of the innings they played
Journey's "Don't Stop Believing" and as they panned through the crowd they came across this dude in his twenties that looked like he was about to fall asleep. Then right as the lyrics to the song were about to start, he snapped out of it and put on this intense dramatic lip sync/air guitar performance. It was
absolutely awesome. The camera did not go to anyone else the entire song. I do not know if it was preplanned, nor did anyone else around me, but it was one of the most entertaining things I had ever seen at a baseball game.
San DiegoFrom the moment I arrived in San Diego I added it to my places that I would just pick up and move to without and plans ( joining Charlotte and Denver). And it wasn't even nice weather. In fact, it was probably the worst weather I have had besides Pittsburgh. It was cold and damp, not raining but threatening all day. I got around
PETCO Park around 4pm for a 7pm game and

parked at a garage a block away from the park and went to explore the
Gaslamp district of downtown. But first I wanted to see if I could score Park Pass tickets for the game. I was made aware of these tickets from Will, the guy I had bought my Dodgers ticket off of the night before. They are $5 tickets that get you general admission to this area behind the
centerfield wall. But it is inside the stadium grounds and you are allowed to walk around the rest of the grounds and tickets go fast. Since it was a Monday night game and I was early enough I was able to get a ticket no problem.

I had not eaten all day I was looking for a cheap place to get some grub and drinks before the game. I stumbled across an establishment called
"Dick's Last Resort" on fifth, just a few blocks away from the park. If you are ever in San Diego please go to this place because it is an experience and it is hard to put into words. The character of the place is excellent and the employees get paid to give attitude to the customers. It's just a truly unique place that added to my experience .
After pissing away a couple of hours at Dicks it was time to see the Padres host the Rockies and off to the park beyond the outfield fence I went. It was a really area and great for families.

There was a beach right behind the outfield fence, a mini baseball field to play
wiffleball or kickball, a hill for people to lounge on and see the game live, and a giant big screen to watch the game on TV. It also had vending like the rest of the ballpark. I only lasted one inning back there because I saw the sparse crowd and new I could make my way into the lower level seats.

Moments later I was just behind first base with the Western Metal Supply Co. building, that is incorporated in the design of the structure and actually used as suites, in my direct line of site. Every move they made in building this venue was the right one and it couldn't be more spectacular. I was even impressed to find live plants growing from the support beams around the concourse and extremely clean restrooms.
The game wasn't as pleasant for the host Padres.
Ubaldo Jimenez had a no-hitter going through into the 6
th until he finally gave up his first hit to David
Eckstein and then 4 runs in the same inning. But that merely cut the lead in half to 8-4. The Rockies hit four
HRs on their way to an
10-6 win (Padres did pull within 2 late in the game).
After the game I was planning on returning to my car, move it to a 24 parking garage, and hit up the
Gaslamp district at night. I was ecstatic to find that the gate at the garage was up and everyone was allowed out, so I was able to avoid paying the $10 rate parking (which went to drinks). I given several recommendations on where to go out and the
Yard House was a place for a beer and a bite ( have come to find out that there is also 2 in FL including Coral Gables). In fact, they boast the world's largest selection of draft beers. This may sound awesome, especially to a self-described beer snob as myself, but I am also incredibly indecisive. Put 100+ beers in my face and have me choose one is almost torturous. I did settle on the
Dechutes Black Butte Porter and Moo
Shu Eggrolls-both where delicious. Next I was told I had to go by
Whiskey Girl for a great time. Without getting into further details, I slept in my car which was intended before the night began and woke up with a killer hangover the next day, which was not intended.
AnaheimMy time in San Diego was short lived because I had to make my way to Anaheim for a

Angels/Rangers game the following day. I decided to drive up the
PCH from San Diego to Anaheim because I had the time to kill and wanted to enjoy the scenery. The weather had not gotten much better and it was still overcast and chilly but and enjoyable ride nonetheless. Arriving in Anaheim around noon I had a few hours to kill but did not want to do anything in particular. About mile from Angels Stadium was a hugs mall called the block that had a movie theatre. And like the only other time I had been hungover on this trip, I decided to go catch a couple of movies. Grown Ups was hilarious and Knight and Day was alright. It had plenty of action and Cameron
Diaz so it kept my interest. After the movie I grabbed some food, left my car at the mall and took to the stadium.
Angel Stadium is still one of the older remaining stadiums, but they have done

so much remolding and work (a Southern Cal theme) that it looks more modern than it is. The entrances are very elaborate with huge batting helmets and bats at the gates. Even Mickey Mouse himself, or at least an inanimate statue, was there to greet you. The
watefall in the outfield is there signature and I did not realize until I saw It up close that it has a built in "A" on the top.
The game was one of the best that I have seen so far. It was back and

forth and competitive until the last out in a game which including a play at the plate and Vladimir Guerrero's return to LA. Vlad hit a 2 run HR in the 7
th to help the Rangers claw back but the Angels held to a
one run win 6-5. Speaking of clawing there was an awesome cat fight which evolved into the dude's getting involved in the 9
th inning. I have a picture but it didn't come out so well.
Heading back Eastbound tomorrow. Arizona on the 1st and 2
nd and Denver on the 3rd.
Shoutouts:Lon Haber for his wonderful
casa in the canyon and the hospitality
Will for the ticket in LA and tip about the Park Pass in SD
The cop whom I asked to point me in the general direction of the mall where my car was parked in Anaheim after I came out a different exit than I entered. He pointed me in the complete opposite direction resulting in and extra 35 minutes of walking. Thanks again boys in blue.
The city of San Diego for being awesome and providing me with a baseball game and parking for a total of $5.
Randoms:Why do they bother painting boxes designated for the base coaches to stand in when I have not seen one stand anywhere near them yet.
I must be technology deficient because I am using a an
ipod auxillary in the rental cars and
everytime I turn the car on it always starts at the same song. I learned how to change, but I cannot control what songs it plays.
Twisted how Seattle had clear skies and beautiful weather, while San Diego required a sweatshirt all day and threatened rain.
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